Do you think aliens will visit Earth this year? I haven’t stopped to think about it yet, but there is a question launched to about 25,000 people in November 2022. From time to time, organizations such as the United States Department of Defense or NASA are published. It matters a lot in UFO and each ways of extraterrestrial life without much evidence that extraterrestrials have visited us.
However, as the survey reports, the population of some countries agreed that 2023 would be the year in which extraterrestrials make contact. And there are others who have delivered just about this place.
Mars Attack. This graph was prepared by Visual Capitalist depending on the results from the trucks to work out by Ipsos in which 24,471 adults from 36 countries were asked about various questions. One of those questions was whether aliens would visit Earth in 2023 and the results were very interesting.
Residents of Asia and Latin America were the most famous countries for foreigners to visit us last year, as far as 43% of India, 38% of Saudi Arabia or 36% of the United Arab Emirates. Countries such as Colombia -26%-, China -25%-, Peru -23% or Mexico -21%- are also found in these first countries of this curious order.
Resolutions. The reason why these countries are so popular that we foreigners want to visit is not clear and different opinions arise. One of them is mythological, to be sure. In history there are cultures that have given value to beings such as genies, gods or “visitors” from other worlds who could fall into the definition of extraterrestrial beings.
It can also be influenced by popular culture. An example is India, with 55% of those surveyed in 2017 believing that intelligent life is there. This reason was given at the time; one of themit was such a powerful movie like “Star Wars Saga”.
What aliens or what bagpipes?. However, there is also the other side of the coin: the countries were the least clear that aliens will visit the Earth in 2023. Here we have like South Korea, Canada, or Hungary – 12% each country, or the United Kingdom, Poland or Belgium -10%.
But the one who took the amazing cake was Japan – 8%. With the country’s advanced technology and that fascination with futuristic themes in its popular culture, it’s become … lae. Other countries such as Argentina -18%-, the United States and Germany -17%-, Spain -15%-, Italy -13% or France -12%-… neither fu nor fa, while in the middle of the graph, but small the percentage of those who believed in that visitation.
What do the authorities say?. Without this faith, it is true that we have often tried; foreign contact. Also We have many thousands to investigate videos about UFOs or UFOs, but science does not look at it foreign contactbut in to find extraterrestrial life (it can also be at the bacterial level). This year, moreover, the United States Department of Defense itself has excluded many types of extraterrestrial technology.
On page 63 of the report, Office All-Domain Anomaly Resolution it was said “no verifiable evidence has been found of any sightings of UAPs – unidentified anomalous phenomena – due to extraterrestrial activities.” They add to the comment that “AARO found no evidence that the US government or private industry had access to extraterrestrial technology, nor any evidence that Congress illegally or improperly withheld information.”
For they proved it. And it won’t be because AARO doesn’t have access. According to Tim Philips, acting director of the department, “no one prevented us from accessing or asking questions about the places we were asking. No one in the government moved the conclusions of the report. As a career intelligence officer, I am surprised by the access that we had to some of the most secret things in our country.
When anxiety hits… Now, if after these comments there is a large part of people who continue to visit us aliens, we must look for more logical explanations than the simple “Star Wars has a lot of power”. The study itself shows a general state of growing anxiety among the population.
This state of mind would have secondary effects, such as concern about nuclear war (48% of respondents compared to 34% the previous year), catastrophic stellar events (in the report 22% of the population believed the impact of a giant asteroid. on Earth compared to 16% the previous year), or mentioned visits from extraterrestrials (18% overall compared to 14% the previous year).
They do not visit us, but we are not alone. And given this state of general anxiety, this expected visit from extraterrestrials would not be quiet. The good news is that, as far as we know, no one has visited us in the past year, but there is something that seems more and more clear. Specifically probability Humans alone are an advanced civilization, one in ten billion trillion.
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