Ahead of Mazan’s rape trial, the verdict will be handed down on Thursday, December 19, chemical submission Still unknown and underrated in France. “But this type of violence Affect multiple victim profiles : women, sometimes men, but also children, even infants or the elderly, in all social contexts”, recalls Mendos Pass Associationlaunched in May 2023, is designed to counter this threat.
The US National Agency for the Safety of Medicines and Healthcare products (Ansm) defines “chemical submissions as Administration for criminal purposes (rape) or infringement (violence, theft), psychoactive substances Without the victim’s knowledge or threat. Ingestion, inhalation and vaccination.
“It’s not just GHB. There are sedative drugs that make you sleep, illegal drugs, stimulants that change behavior and make it overly sexual and make it easier to act out, and even dissociative drugs, hallucinogens that make you lose reality.
The products used are psychoactive substances It acts on brain function, causing behavior change. They lower the victim’s alertness, making him more vulnerable to attacks. The best known are antihistamines and sedatives, Benzodiazepines and opioids. Other molecules such as alcohol and GHB can also be found.
October 15th, Monday specific listening platforms Submissions specifically for chemical victims are open. Nearly two months after opening, the calls started pouring in. The callers were men and women who were drugged and then assaulted, but there were also doctor who wants information Never miss a diagnosis. “A lot of times, we’re told, ‘I was given a GHB drug,’ but it’s not just GHB. There are also sedative drugs that can put you to sleep, illegal drugsbehavior-altering stimulants, oversexualizationpromoting behavior through, and even dissociative drugs, hallucinogens, that make you lose reality“,prove French information Leila Chahouachi, pharmacist and expert on national chemical surveys submitted to ANSM.
of Substance detection kitSuitable for everyone and in case of doubt, now available in pharmacies. In order to issue an alert as quickly as possible, Here is a slideshow of signs to discover.