For a long time I thought I was with a good partner. The bad thing is that there are times when all that glitters is not gold, relationships can be complicated and it is not always easy to know if you are with a truly good person. Psychology suggests that his character, his values, and how he treats you are key. fortunately there is Some behaviors that distinguish a good person from othersAnd now I know them. And even though I’m not with someone who is, seeing it in perspective helped me understand what I want and what I currently have in my relationship. He is a good person.
I’m not afraid to apologize
Let the one who has never made a mistake in his life throw the first stone. Everyone, absolutely everyone, makes mistakes, and the difference between someone with good emotional intelligence and someone with that intelligence is what we do when we realize we’ve made a mistake: we ask for forgiveness. A good person can recognize his mistakes, take responsibility for them, and sincerely apologize.. According to the speaker Cherie Carter-Scott, “Anger diminishes you, forgiveness forces you to move beyond who you are.” A good person knows this and applies it.
As psychologist and couples therapist María Esclapez explains in her book ‘I love myself, I love you‘, The presence of forgiveness in a relationship is a sign of the health of that relationship. The expert assures that “when the other person is upset, whether you think they are right or not,” asking for forgiveness is a sign of empathy and “you understand that you perceive things differently.”
Value your perspective and don’t judge you
Think about how your partner interacts as you talk. A good person does more than just nodding when he hears you, he actively listens to you and responds thoughtfully to your thoughts and feelings. Even if he doesn’t agree with your views, he respects them because he understands that your point of view is just as valid as his own, and he uses empathy to connect with you.
Psychologist Marshall Rosenberg said: “Every criticism, judgment, diagnosis, and expression of anger is a tragic expression of an unmet need.” When we avoid judgment and care about each other’s perspectives, we can establish a more intimate bond. A place where we can all express ourselves freely and without fear.
Whoever looks at it is kind.
Positive psychology has extensively researched the impact of kindness on others and how it affects our well-being. Moreover, Being kind directly affects our happiness. And also our partner’s. Psychotherapist Dr. According to Stan Hymankindness has the power to change the course of a relationship that has become complacent because “showing kindness builds bonds and strengthens the emotional bond.” Politeness is an important element in a couple strengthens the bond created.
But this time I’m not just talking about being nice to you. If you’re with someone who’s only nice when others look at them, that’s okay. If you’re with someone who just likes to buy things, that’s okay. If you’re with someone who acts nice so others can see that you are, that’s not the problem. Someone who is a truly good person is always kind to everyone. With the Mercadona cashier, with that person who called to sell him something, with the neighbor, with your family, with his ex-girlfriends. True kindness is woven into character and shows up even when no one is around to applaud him..
He is empathetic
Iria Reguera, psychologist and director of Trendencias, assures: “empathy relates to our ability to understand other people’s feelings and emotions.”. This This doesn’t mean we have to agree with them or think the same way.” According to the psychologist Alfred RedwoodEmpathy is an extraordinary quality necessary for developing healthy relationships.
Being with that person does not prevent you from being independent.
It may seem obvious, but it’s not that obvious. For a relationship to be healthy and sustainable over time, both you and your partner must make room for your individuality. It’s like there’s one space for you, another for you, and another for him. Comprehensive couples therapy expert psychologist Dr. Jorge Barraca stated the following in his book:Comprehensive couples therapy. An intervention to overcome irreconcilable differences‘No matter how much they have in common, each member of the couple is a different person and has his or her own history, his or her own character, nuances of interests, values, aspirations and, logically, a family from which they originate. specific functioning and reality. In short: given the diversity among people, reaching consensus on every issue is impossible and probably not desirable.” a good couple Understands and respects your individual space and encourages you to explore it independently.
Has emotional responsibility
Psychologist Marta Martínez Novoa describes it in her book:Have a good love: Why is emotional responsibility important in your relationships?‘ Emotional responsibility means “being aware that relationships, and especially the bonds formed in relationships, are made up of many people, not just us, and that all people involved have feelings and needs.” There is always a good person emotional responsibility is not just with youwith friends, colleagues, family… Observing how you behave towards other people around you is a very good way to see who you really are..
Support your personal development
I think the sentence “I’m proud of what you’ve accomplished” is one of the best things my partner has said to me during our time together. With it, he shows me that he not only cares about me, but also that he sees who I am, knows my goals, and supports me. My partner is one of the people who encourages me the most to be the best version of myself. He applauds my successes and supports me in difficulties without feeling threatened by my path, but is happy to share it with me.. This type of support shows that you are not only interested in your happiness, but also in my happiness and development. This is yet another proof that I am in a relationship with an extraordinary person.
Communicates effectively
If someone expresses their needs, wants, and concerns about you and actively listens to yours, they know that communication is vital in a relationship. To do this effectively you should use: Open, respectful, and honest words without resorting to hostility, even in a complex conversation. Good people speak calmly, even when they are hurt, because they know it’s not about winning an argument, it’s about strengthening the relationship. says psychologist Mamen Jiménez.
I’m not afraid to be vulnerable
Researcher Brené Brown says “Vulnerability is the cradle of love, belonging, joy, courage, empathy and creativity. It is the source of hope, empathy, responsibility and authenticity.” If your partner allows himself to be vulnerable with you Because he trusts you and values your emotional closeness.. This increases your connection.
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