According to Ukrainian intelligence, the language barrier remains a difficult obstacle in the process of using North...
Russia’s war against Ukraine
“Today there is already preliminary evidence that the Russians have begun to use soldiers from North Korea...
As noted in the summary, the overall pace of maritime operations in the Black Sea remains low....
Representatives of the metro noted that Chinese baby carriages were carried by military tractors moving in a...
Kubilius wants the upcoming seven-year EU budget to allocate €100 billion to defence, as the current seven-year...
“Due to the increasing threats from Russian missiles and drones targeting critical civilian infrastructure in Ukraine, the...
The military leadership spoke about the operational situation at 22:00 on 7 December. Russian shelling Since the...
“We have not registered any non-standard moments that could affect our security directly along the border line...
“There are two children among the dead. The identification of people killed by the Russians during the...
The Ukrainian Defense Forces eliminated another 1,300 Russian invaders within 24 hours and the total number of...